Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chinese Lads on Tabla And Sita

Singapore has about 78% Chinese and 7% Indians. Since it is a small city and with a great deal of cohesiveness we have interesting cross-pollination and pursuits. Last night I watched a great documentary on two teenage boys in Singapore who have become accomplished tabla and Sita players. Their father had fallen in love with these instruments and introduced it to the kids at a very young age. He made his first son a small customized sita for his 5 year old frame. He also encouraged his 2nd son to explore the tabla.

The key to the boys' success is that they do NOT hold themselves to lower standards than the Indian masters. One of them in their interview said that he wanted to be better than Ravi Shankar. Bravo. Another said that it really helped that his father warned them against setting themselves a lower standard just because they are Chinese. Sage advice. Many good artists fall into this trap when they take up a "foreign art." Art cuts across cultures, language and religions. If you have a deep calling for a particular craft follow it passionately and take yourself to the highest point in that craft. Don't turn yourself into a gimmick.

I have enclose a video clip of the two boys in the video bar column on the right. Enjoy !!

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