Saturday, February 16, 2008

Does it Hurt? Dumb Questions to Kavadi Bearers

Today I interviewed a kavadi bearer. He told me about how a CNN reporter had interviewed him during a Thaipusam Festival and had asked him "Does it hurt?" If someone had asked me that question - after I had fasted for 42 days and then pierced my body with 108 piercing I would have flipped. I would have wanted to know:

1. Why is that Western reporters come so ill-prepared when it comes to minority traditions? Why do they ask questions that reveal such deep ignorance? How about doing some reading and research on the concept of penance and the experience of trance-like states in religious ceremonies?

2. Or more simply why not assign a TV journalist who has some depth as opposed to throwing an entertainment reporter on the scene?

3. How about giving the reporters some cultural training and cross-cultural communication skills? And some context?

Journalists have such an important role as cultural intermediaries. Why not use this opportunity to celebrate what is common between cultures - the quest for higher wisdom and spiritual light? And creating a feeling of true empathy between the viewers and the subject matter. That used to be Oprah's greatest gift. She was not judgmental and in her earlier shows really tried to get to the essential truths and values that drove people to do certain things. How about pitching things at that level for a change?

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