Tuesday, May 6, 2008

9 weeks for Durga

The Shiva Durga temple in Potong Pasir in Singapore is famous for the Goddess Durga. Many Durga devotees come to pay respects to her and to ask her to grant their most deepest wishes especially on Tuesdays. Tuesday is Durga's special day. In particular there is a tradition to light lamps on green lemons for Durga for nine consecutive weeks in order to manifest your desires in the physical world. Today I just finished my 9 weeks of lighting lamps for Durga. It was an incredibly moving and satisfying experience for me.

For a long time I was not ready to do this 9 week ritual. It did not particularly resonate with me. It felt superstitious and greedy to me. To ask God for certain things in my life. But with greater spiritual maturity I realized that doing something in a steadfast manner for 9 consecutive weeks is actually a great way to deepen your connection with the Goddess. This is regardless of what you ask for. Asking for something specific actually helps one get closer to God as it makes one more humble - it is a recognition that there are higher powers at work and that you are at their mercy after you had done everything that is physically possible on your end. It is an opportunity to set the ego aside and let honor the divine's hand in our everyday lives.

The vibration in this temple is also incredibly strong as many devotees come there with an intense spiritual focus. This I witnessed over the 9 Tue when I was there. There is very little socializing or chit-chat. Many mediated and prostrated before the Durga statute. Through kneeling, lighting lamps and walking around the Durga shrine you see faith in action in a powerful way. That in turn reinforces your own spiritual conviction and brings you closer to the divine.

The smell of the burning lemon and the intense heat the that tray of lighted lamps exude is also incredibly energizing. It stimulates and activates your senses and beings you in touch with your natural elements. The flowers, incense and the temple music also help raise the vibration. This is what makes the 9 week ritual powerful.

If you are ready to take a vow or to ask for some help the Durga temple in Potong Pasir maybe a wonderful place to start and to re-invigorate your connection to the divine.


Sureshkumar said...

I like (Potong Pasir)Shiva Durga temple in Singapore.Every Fri & Sat I am going to that for pray.According to me really the Shiva Durga is very powerful.I faced many difficulties and problem in my life before I come to this temple.Then my friend referenced me that please go & pray Durga temple and put Ghee Jothi every week then all your problem will be solved soon.I did that as what my friend said.In 2 months only I got my expected job with good salary and I solved my problems and all.Now every week I am going to that temple.Please everyone must go.Thank you.

Neeru said...

Is it okay to make lemon lamps before tuesday?

Neeru said...

Is it okay to make lemon lamps before tuesday?

Unknown said...

Please tell the procedure to light the lemon lights for 9 weeks

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

on Saturday is also ok ?